Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Aviation As a Leisure Option

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AppId is over the quota

There are very many people who are today taking up aviation as a leisure option. Flying and engineering enthusiasts have gone into aviation as clubs, teams and individuals looking to enjoy the thrills that the skies have to offer. All around the world there are people engaged in aviation at different levels and in different ways. There are those who take on flying as pilots purely looking to have a good time through adventures and tours. Others are involved in the engineering side of aviation and are constantly working on planes during their free time. We have others still who collect aviation memorabilia and toys. These collectors will sometime travel to far off places in pursuit of what they consider an important piece of aviation. Along with collecting items, aviation photographers are another group interested in aviation for purely recreational purposes.

Even though those engaged in aviation for leisure take it up for recreation purposes, many of them end up making money from it. There are many pilots who begin flying for fun and end up as guides on flying tours. Having flown over certain areas for a long time they become experts on various interesting aspects of these places. People looking to go on tours of such places will look for an experience pilot who is knowledgeable and informed about the location. After a while the hobby of flying for fun becomes a source of income.

Aviation engineering enthusiasts have also made money from their hobby. Some have re-constructed planes and managed to sell them to collectors for very good prices. Engineers have also come up with competitions where recognition is the main reward of the hard work they put in for months or even years.

Collectors and photographers have also managed to make some money from their hobbies in aviation. There are those who have sold pictures, items and toys that are considered classics. Even though the main aim is not to collect the toys and items for sale, there are occasions when an irresistible offer will come along. Photographers have more opportunities to make regular income from their hobby though they will often make less money as compared to the other aviation enthusiasts.

It is important to point out that, engineers and pilots who are involved in aviation as a hobby are also required to obtain licenses that will allow them to legally fly and engineer planes that are actively flying. This is because of the safety and security concerns that relate to aviation. Apart from obtaining licensing, those taking up aviation as a hobby should be aware of the fact that these hobbies can be quite expensive. Those who are able to work in teams or clubs will find it cheaper as they can share the costs that are as a result of their hobby.

Aviation as a leisure option provides thrills, challenges and opportunities that few other hobbies can afford. A good place to get started is by finding other aviation enthusiasts near you and getting to know what kind of activities they are involved in. You can then expect to have lots of fun as you join the world of recreational aviation.

As a bush and aerial survey pilot. I have been through the entire process of pilot training from a Private Pilot License, Instrument Rating through to a Commercial Pilot License.

I know how hard it is to break into the aviation industry when one has little or no experience. I have therefore created website and aviation information directory: Global Aviation Guide, for pilots, flight engineers, cabin crew, and aviation enthusiasts. At the Global Aviation Guide website you will find a wealth of aviation articles, aviation jobs, flight schools, and general aviation information.

I have worked in various career fields most recently as an Instructional Designer and Technical writer. This helps me understand the importance of creating and writing quality articles and providing quality information. Find quality articles that I have created on the Global Aviation Guide website: http://www.globalaviationguide.com/articles/

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