Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Why Aren't There More Female Pilots?

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AppId is over the quota

Are you aware that in 1910, the first woman got her own pilot's license? Her name was the Baroness Raymonde de Laroche in France. An impressive name and an impressive feat back then. Women have most certainly been involved in aviation for longer than a century, so where are all the female pilots?

And how come women only constitute 5% of pilots in the USA?

Though the Baroness got her license over 100 years ago, being a pilot is conventionally a male occupation and even today you will see that each time a pilot is portrayed in the movies, tv and even promotion campaigns for flight educational facilities, it is a man dressed in the pilot's outfit.

Actually, the uniform could very well be a part of the problem because it is very masculine and not at all suited to the female form. That will seem a shallow reason to some but you must consider the perception of doing a job that requires wearing a male uniform.

The training and workplace is suited to appeal more to males as well. The more the amount of women to become pilots, the more other ladies will follow suit, but at this time it usually is a bit unnerving to become one of the few women pilots in a sea of men.

On top of that, the exceedingly high price of flight schooling and time away from home and children while on the job and you can appreciate why it can be a difficult task for a lady to enter the industry.

If you are a woman in quest of inspiration, have a look at the International Society of Women Airline Pilots, a non-profit whose objective it is to encourage future generations of women aviators. They offer awards to notable females whose vocation goals are to become an airline pilot by giving monetary assistance towards pilot certificates and ratings.

Believe it or not, there are many aviation organizations based around women. One in particular holds an affair annually to promote senior high school females to check out a vocation in aviation by pairing them with female guides from the aviation industry.

So, should you be a woman, or girl, whose aspiration it is to at some point become a pilot, look at your choices and search the web for scholarships and grants offered to women. There is much potential for ladies to excel in the aviation sector.

If you are interested in learning more about how to become a pilot, please visit How to Become a Pilot Headquarters at http://www.howtobecomeapilothq.net/

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